Monday, November 30, 2009

Challenge 17 - Cartoon Day

Always figured there was nothing to cartoon strips. Couple lines here, couple curves there and a witty one-liner at the end. How hard could it be? I mean, Dilbert toons are hilarious but hardly high art. And haven't we all thought we could draw like that if we really tried?

Well today I did. Try, that is.

The challenge was to design and draw a complete cartoon strip. I figured it would take two hours tops. After four hours my brains started leaking out of my head. Five hours and my back ached and I thought I was going to hurl.


Feel better now.

Point is I managed a pencil version and couldn't get time to ink. The children are starting to object to being called Kid 1 and Kid 2 (which once was an endearment and now is a necessity). So instead of finishing the cartoon - which oh god - I just realised doesn't have a name - I apparently have to feed and bath them.

This has happened a few times now, and I'm afraid I have to change the perameters of the quest, challenge, personal exploration, whatever you call it that I have started in order to take care of what's most important: staying out of jail for child neglect. And possibly husband neglect.

So. I shall still complete 365 new things - just not necessarily one every day. The point is, after all, to enrich my own life, not detract from others'.

1 comment:

  1. ah moderation, where are you oh fickle friend. I fee the same way about the harp
