Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Challenge 12 - XYZ

Temperature rising ... Frustration peaking. I know I'm no good at math but this is ridiculous!

Meet the XYZ - if you know anything about cartesian planes in mathematics stop me now. Ha ha ha (Dinner party joke for origami nerds).

But seriously, this little construction has nearly cost me my sanity. Look at picture 15. It is impossible to insert a third completed unit onto the first two. Impossible! Yet that's what the instructions call for!

Being a dutiful citizen I email Author and complain bitterly that because I couldn't finish tonight's project he was forcing me - forcing me - to watch television. Take that, Mr Clever Pants!

Then partner-who-can-pack-car boots-and-read-maps-really-well walks in. I explain my frustration and tell him of my most forceful email to Author.

Partner looks at bits of folded paper and frowns. Looks at diagram. 'Can't do it like that,' he declares.

Pleased with ratification I (once again, forcefully) agree. 'What about this,' he says, and starts to disassemble creative undertakings to date.

I suck in breath. Those folds took me minutes! Tens of minutes! Plus the paper is pretty and if he scrunches it I will deprive him of something serious, like like, buttering toast always to edge!

He begins to reassemble. Suddenly it all makes sense - one must assemble last component ONTO first two completed components!

Resolve to send apology to Mr Clever Pants who wrote book and suggest he include extra instructions for Ladies Who Can't Pack Boots Or Read Maps.


On a side note - Could not do origami with children at kindy today. Legacy of Vengeful Duck too scary. Advised by caring workers that next week is a 'go'. By then I shall have mastered Jumping Frog! and Creeping Crab!


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