Monday, November 16, 2009

Challenge 4 - Food Photography

In the words of Robin Williams it's hot. Damn hot. Hotter than a snake's ass in a wagon rut.

Brewed coffee and assumed the position. Is it kosher to drink stimulants while opening my energy channels and soothing my chakras? Is this still ECO FRIENDLY YOGA?

Master Three joins me on the floor. We take the Sukhasana position, which sounds cleverer than it is. We breath deeply and salute the sun. Damn sun ... All is well, though - the caffeine is kicking in.

I get on my hands and knees and do the Dog. Children laugh. My son tries to emulate.

'To do the Dog,' I say, 'One must stick out one's bum.' More laughter. 'For the Cat, pretend the Dog has had a nasty fright and tuck your tail between your legs then raise your hackles.' I demonstrate. Children are hysterical. I reprimand children for making fun of thousands of years of culturally significant back bends and make like a Corpse.


Today's Challenge: Test one of the recipes in my cook book and attempt Food Photography. Easy peasy.

In the spirit of weight loss I decided to do my Skinny Bacon & Eggs. I put four eggs on to boil and begin frying bacon. Bacon smells funny. How long has it been in the fridge? Who cares - it'll still look good.

Remove eggs from pot. While peeling the first egg a chunk of white comes away with the shell. I eat the egg.

Peel second egg. More white comes away. Master Three asks for an egg and gets one.

Blood pressure rising. I assume Sukhasana position on kitchen floor and take 7 deep breaths. Peel next egg while using new mantra: 'Hands of a surgeon. Hands of a surgeon...' Egg perfect! Peel next egg in same manner. Chunk of white comes off. Am out of eggs. Decide to cunningly conceal defect with bacon.

I assemble my masterpiece and take half a dozen photos. Only one is clear. I'm no photographer and even I know the photo is rubbish. Shall spend afternoon learning the finer points of Food Photography from someone who actually knows what they're doing...


  1. So did you eat it? Did the kids eat it? That meal left me wanting more.

    Love your work as always

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
