Friday, December 11, 2009

Challenge 24 - Chair Repair

Ah, wood. Who doesn't love a bit first thing in the morning?

Today is Chair Restoration Day. It was supposed to be Table Restoration Day but Partner said it was insane to sand a six foot table by hand. After an hour on the chair and scant progress made, I find I must concur with my learned friend.

I've never restored anything in my life. If the fix isn't quick I just buy another whatever-it-is and toss the old one out. How wasteful! If you click on the pic you will see just how sad the finish is on this chair. So off I popped to the hardware store and stocked up on sandpaper and varnish.

It's prudent to note here that the only woodworking experience I have was at High School. I had my own work bench because the other kids claimed to value their lives. Honestly - one little accident with a nail gun ...

So, with my trusty sandpaper and a pocket full of faith, I begin.

It's very meditative, this repetitive motion - working, working, working toward a single, simple goal. My mind wanders pleasantly and the minutes tick by unheeded.

Master Three is helping me. He's chuffed to be doing 'woodwork' with Mummy. That's been the unexpected bonus of this little adventure. The children see me doing something new and exciting and they want to join in . They are inspired, and what parent doesn't want to be an inspiration to their children? They see that it's okay to try something new and whether the results are spectacular or a spectacular failure matters not.

The fun - the adventure - is in the trying.

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