Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Challenge 22 - Witchcraft or Whatcraft?

Went to library to research magic tricks for Master Three's birthday. Computer searches kept throwing up witch-related stuff.

Type 'Witchcraft' into search box. Computer gets half way through search and grinds to a halt. 'Error on page' it informs me. Wooooo. Spooky. Abandon search for party tricks in favour of the Dark Magix (bunny in a hat? Pah! Shall conjure him a pony - possibly also in hat).

Have always been completely superstitious and totally scornful of 'magic'. Irony apparent. Show me proof (or Poof!) and I shall believe!

Today's Challenge: Cast a spell (that works)

Start reading book. Let's see ... universe, crystals, blah blah, stars, energy pathways, blah blah. Where's the good stuff? Like, like giving enemy scabies or making self look like Carmen Electra while doing Fit To Strip For Beginners? Book says any spell cast will be returned three-fold.

Cancel scabies.

Right. Says make wand. Okaaaay. Filch one from Miss Eight's toybox (has sparkles). Next: Don't work spells when tired, lethargic or pre-occupied. Sheesh! Am a mother! Have coffee, clear brain and move on. Time to choose spell.

Choose Strengthening Willpower. This was made for me.

Salt - Check
Haematite stone - errr. Having chops for tea. Rub rock on chop to acquire haemoglobin. Check!
Wand - Check
Red Candle - Check
Bach flower essence - (I can't believe what I have in my cupboard) Check!
Gold thread - Yellow close enough - Check

Says best done on a Tuesday. Is Tuesday in US (book non-hemisphere-specific) - Check!

1. Cast Sacred Circle with wand. Put stuff in circle.
2. Pick stuff up. Wave stone over flame.
3. Call Sylphs, Salamanders, Undies - sorry - Undines and Gnomes to bless my rock.
4. Tie up rock in cloth, sprinkle flower essence.
5. Don't forget your manners - say thankyou.
6. Hold rock when eyeing off that last bit of chockie in the fridge.

Piece of cake!

I mean, no. No cake! Am strong, like rock! And smell kind of flowery...

Conclusion: Shall keep you posted on rock's dissuasive powers when midnight munchies come around.

Mmmm ... chocolate ...


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