Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Challenge 18 - Wax on, wax off

As previously noted I am Team Razor, not Team Wax. Wax seems brutal and unnecessary, like regime change in middle of summer.

Notice eyebrows becoming unkempt. Can't find tweezers. Bought wax a few weeks ago because it was cheap and set at eye level in supermarket. (Simple creature, me).

Take wax out of cupboard and read directions. Heat in microwave for 1 minute. I don't have a microwave. Boil kettle. Try to scoop a bit of cold wax into pot. Wax like concrete.

Must heat wax in plastic container, then decant enough for eyebrows. Submerge wax pot in boiling water. Success! Edge bit runny.

Directions for every part of body except eyebrows. Hmmm. Could mean wax not for eyebrow region. Recall I have Hands Of A Surgeon and proceed accordingly.

Use end of plastic spoon because paddle too big (perfect for groin area - another clue). Wax like mozzarella - strings of it everywhere. Unlike a tasty Italian cheese wax sets like superglue in three seconds flat.

Get wax in eyelash. It won't wash off. Cold water sets it harder and I am forced to read precautions on box. Will not wash off with water. No kidding.

Can't pull eyelash out. Will have bald patch. Need to get to cinema in thirty minutes. Sorry eyelash. You gotta take one for the cause.

Eyes watering. Mascara running. I'm late!

I hate wax.


  1. Hee heehee! The things we do to be beautiful!! :)

  2. that is hilarious!! i am sure it was not at the time..but funny now...i love your blogging style!! :)
